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阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市 .—十大菠菜靠谱平台迎来了8名新的全日制本科教师,学院为2023年秋季学期的开学做准备, 周一, 8月7日. According to 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 president J. 卡梅伦西, the faculty members represent additions to the 音乐 和 political science 项目, 除了英语中的新面孔, 心理学, 还有宗教项目. 第九个新教员,Dr. 维多利亚亨德森, 将担任首席运动教练,并在学院的运动训练硕士项目中教授和担任导师发展主任.

“We are thrilled to welcome these new members of faculty, who bring a wealth of experience earned while teaching in institutions of all sizes,韦斯特总统说。. “在我们任何年龄和年级的校友中,有一个共同点是,他们会告诉你,他们在这里从优秀的教师那里学到了东西, 和 they treasure their relationships with those faculty, 谁也是导师和朋友.”

“在我们今年引进的教师中,有两名新的音乐专业全职教师,因为我们正在重建声乐和音乐教育课程, post-COVID, 并响应对更多教师的需求,以应对我们不断增长的乐队和乐器学生的数量,韦斯特总统说。. “In t和em with our new director of b和s, Mr. 安东尼Vittore, 还有他的助理导演, as well as the strong faculty in 音乐 we have added during the past three years, 随着这些节目的发展,我们期待着史密斯大厅嗡嗡作响的新的、更响亮、更激动人心的音乐. 除了, 我们很高兴今年在历史和政治科学方面增加一名全职教员,以响应该项目的需求, 和 he brings valuable international experience 和 perspective to these programs. 在英语节目中, 我们的新教师继续在我们的本科写作和创意写作课程中建立实力. 在宗教方面,博士的加入. 快乐摩尔, a scholar of international acclaim 和 stature, 对我们的学生和联合卫理公会的学习社区来说是一个巨大的机会吗. 在心理学中, 我们的学生将受益于一位新的教师,他是一位有执照的行为分析师,他不仅有教学经验,而且在行为心理学领域有工作经验.”

Dr. 肯特维. 身体 joins the 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 faculty as assistant professor of 心理学. Dr. 他在奥本大学获得了实验心理学的哲学博士和理学硕士学位,在犹他州立大学获得了心理学学士学位. 他于2022年担任东南社会行为分析协会主席并在阿拉巴马州立大学和佐治亚南方大学任教之后担任成长独立行为服务(GIBS)的临床主任, 学习树, 在蒙哥马利.

Dr. 威廉Hayter earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in clarinet performance at Texas Christian University; Master of Music in bass clarinet performance at Codarts, hoeschool voor de Kunsten, 在鹿特丹, 荷兰; Master of Music in clarinet performance at Texas Christian University; 和 Bachelor of Music in 音乐 education at the University of Houston, 优等生. He joins Huntingdon as assistant professor of 音乐, 理论与木管乐器, after teaching for Texas Lutheran University, 塔兰特县学院, 中西部州立大学, 和基尔戈学院, as well as at the middle 和 high school levels for schools in Texas. He has performed for audiences in the United States, 加拿大, 比利时, 法国, 荷兰, 波斯尼亚, 芬兰, 和西班牙.

Dr. 快乐J. 摩尔 will serve as visiting instructor of 宗教. Dr. 摩尔在伦敦布鲁内尔大学/伦敦神学院获得了实践神学博士学位, 英格兰. 她在加勒特福音神学院获得了神学硕士学位,在埃文斯顿的国家教育学院获得了基础教育和数学文学学士学位, 伊利诺斯州. Seeking to provide opportunities for the Christian hope to be explained 和 practices, her academic appointments have included vice president for academic affairs 和 professor of biblical preaching at Luther Seminary; associate professor of practical theology at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University; assistant professor of preaching 和 founding associate dean for the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary; 和 associate dean for lifelong learning at Duke Divinity School, 在其他任命中. She has written for Sojourners magazine, Christian Century《十大菠菜靠谱平台》杂志和《十大菠菜靠谱平台》. She can be heard weekly on the Sermon Brainwave podcast.

Dr. 威廉·C. 帕尔默, 语言文学讲师, 来到十大菠菜靠谱平台之前,他是巴克内尔大学英语客座助理教授. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in English at the University of 密西西比州, Master of Arts in English at Auburn University, 和 Bachelor of Arts in English at Birmingham-Southern College. His specialties are 比赛 和 literature, 音乐 和 literature, sound studies, 和 modernism.

Dr. Christopher " Chris " B. Primiano will serve as assistant professor of history 和 political science. Dr. 普里马诺获得了博士学位.D., Master of Science, Master of Arts, 和 Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers University. 他曾在圣. 奥拉夫学院, 亨特学院, 蒙特克莱尔州立大学, 和罗格斯大学, 和 was a teaching fellow for the University of Nottingham in Ningbo, 中国. 曾任哈萨克斯坦KIMEP大学中国与中亚研究中心主任, 和 as assistant professor for KIMEP’s Department of International Relations 和 Regional Studies.

艾米·里德尔, 语言文学讲师, 在阿拉巴马大学获得英语文学学士学位和创意写作美术硕士学位, 她是那里的研究生诗歌研究员. Her thesis was recognized with the College of Arts 和 Sciences’ Creative Thesis Award. 自1991年以来,她一直担任大学讲师. Riddell has served as a professor at Northwest Florida State College, as an adjunct instructor for the University of West Florida, 和 as a graduate teaching assistant for the University of Alabama. 她曾担任《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》的诗歌编辑和执行编辑,并担任NWFSC质量提升计划的主任和主要作者.

Dr. R. 斯科特·塞克斯顿 在特洛伊大学担任合唱音乐讲师后,加入了音乐教育助理教授和合唱活动总监的行列, where he conducted the Troy Collegiate Singers, 合唱团音乐会, 还有其他合唱团. He earned his Bachelor of Music Education at Troy University, Master of Music Education at the University of 密西西比州, 和 Doctor of Philosophy in vocal/choral 音乐 education at Auburn University. He has also directed choral 音乐 和 taught for St. Andrews Episcopal School 和 McWillie Elementary School in Jackson, 密西西比州, 并担任艺术总监, 导体, 和 piano accompanist for the 密西西比州 Girlchoir. Dr. Sexton has been awarded travel grants for study in Hungary, 马其顿, 和加纳, 西非, 和 was a finalist for state Teacher of the Year in 密西西比州 in 2019. He is trained in the Kodaly methods of teaching 音乐.

劳伦Veazey, who earned her Bachelor of Arts in mathematics at 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 in 2015, returns to her alma mater as instructor of mathematics. 她获得了奥本大学蒙哥马利分校的教育学硕士学位,自2015年以来一直在比林斯利高中教授数学.

十大菠菜靠谱平台是联合卫理公会的一所男女同校的住宿文理学院,提供30多名本科生 学习计划 , an 荣誉项目 总统奖学金计划 Kingswood倡议 ,合唱和器乐 音乐  项目, 跳舞  和 欢呼  团队, 学生组织  including Greek life 和 Campus Ministries, 21 NCAA-Division III 体育团队 和男女同校 的电子竞技 ,将于2023年秋季推出. The College also offers the Master of Athletic Training.


十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, in accor跳舞 with Title IX 和 Section 106.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.  类似的, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived 比赛, color, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, age 和/or national origin in its education program



Vice President for Marketing 和 Communications
(334) 833-4515 | news@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu

